Surprise Poem

People Needed:Small Group Effort:Medium Cost:Cheap

A poem where every person in the group writes rhyming lines while only knowing the last word of a previous line, which was written by someone else. The full poem will be revealed to everyone at the same time.

  1. Initial lines
    Tell all participants to send you 1 poem line that is related to the birthday person in some way. This can be anything. Let them be creative.

  2. Rhyming lines
    Take the last word (or couple of words, if it's better for the rhyme) of each line and send it to a different participant. They now need to come up with a second poem line, which rhymes with the word they were given. To decide who get's which word you could order all participants by the time they sent you the first line at. Everyone get's the word of the person before them.

  3. Combine everything
    Now you should have 2 lines from every person and every line should have another one it rhymes with. Decide which lines work better with an AABB or an ABAB (or any other) rhyming structure, depending on the content. Put everything together.

  4. Print and write
    Ask every participant for a color and then type their lines in that color. Print out a copy for everyone. To make it more personal I suggest hand writing the one, which you'll hand over to the birthday person. You can have everyone sign it in their color, so that the birthday person knows which lines belong to whom.

  5. Read it
    When everyone is together, hand out a copy to every participant. Now everyone reads their lines in order. In the end you can hand over the hand written version to the birthday person.


  • Paper
    Old scroll paper feels nice

  • Colored pens
    1 different color per participant

  • Printer