Secret Birthday Wishes Throughout the Year

People Needed:One Small Group Effort:Medium Cost:Free

Everyone in the group records themselves secretly wishing a happy birthday while the birthday person is visible in the background and unaware of what is going on. The wishes are recorded over a long period of time (months) and then edited into one video.

For inspiration – some places you could film at:

  • While hugging the birthday person you could hold your phone and point it back at your face and silently mouth "happy birthday".

  • During the birthday party you could film yourself saying "happy bday" directly to the person and then secretly and super quickly edit it into the main video, before handing over the video as a present.

  • If you're at a different birthday party together with the video-birthday-person you could film yourself looking at them, while singing "happy birthday" as if it was meant for them.

  • You could quietly sing "happy birthday" in front of a restroom, while the birthday person is in there. Make sure that them walking in or coming out is part of the video.


  • Phone/Camera

  • Editing App/Software
    (I used an app called InShot but anything similar should work just fine)