Custom Challenge Puzzle

People Needed:Small Group Effort:Medium Cost:Cheap

A custom puzzle depicting the faces of everyone in the friend group. Everyone holds on to the pieces of their own face. The person getting the gift needs to complete challenges with everyone to earn the puzzle pieces.

  1. Get a photo from every participant

  2. Print the puzzle
    Look for a print shop that prints puzzles and find out the dimensions of their puzzle.
    These print shops often have a picture of their puzzle piece layout. Use it to determine where to place every participants photo, so that everyone's photo takes up an equal amount of pieces. Use an area to write "happy birthday" on. Create the full combined image and print it.

  3. Hand out the puzzle pieces
    Give every participant the pieces containing their photo. To make it more personal they can also add their signature.
    Keep the pieces of the "happy birthday" area, put them in an envelope and add a little note saying "to get the rest of the pieces, you'll have to complete a challenge with each of us. You can do this whenever you want.".

  4. Create challenges
    Every participant needs 1 challenge for the birthday person. It's most fun if every participant comes up with something related to themselves, but you can also look for suggestions/inspiration below.
    For inspiration:

    • Paper plane challenge: Participant and birthday person build and shoot a paper plane. Furthest wins. Birthday person needs to build new planes till they win.

    • Tea challenge: Birthday person gets blindfolded and needs to taste test and correctly guess different kinds of tea. They need to guess till they got everything correct.

    • Language challenge: Pick a participants native language which the birthday person is not fluent in. They need to get multiple pieces of information from the participant. Depending on their language level this could be shoe size, favorite legume, the plot of their least favorite movie...

  5. Hand over the gift
    Give the envelope with the "happy birthday" pieces to the birthday person.
    They can now complete the challenges whenever they want.


  • Phone

  • Pens

  • Paper

  • Envelope