Friend Group Advent Calendar

People Needed:Small Group Effort:Medium Cost:Cheap

An advent calendar where every door contains a little gift from someone in the friend group. The person whose birthday it is has to guess who gave which present.

  1. Choose the amount of doors
    I suggest a multiple of your group size (+ 1 extra for the last door)
    If you have a smaller group you could have multiple small gifts/doors per person.

  2. Gather gifts
    Ask every participant to give you their gifts and to choose a color.
    Let them sign a card with the color they chose.

  3. Build the calendar

    1. I suggest using tiny cardboard boxes or socks as the doors. 1 per gift.
      You could also combine different types of doors to create a frankenstein calendar.

    2. Glue/saw everything together but make sure you can still open all doors.

    3. Put the gifts inside and write numbers on the boxes in the colors the participants chose.

    4. Put the signed card in the very last box, so that the birthday person can check which gift was from which person, by comparing the colors.

  4. Guess

    1. Hand the gift to the birthday person. You can do this either on their birthday or a couple weeks/days before , so that they open the last door directly on their birthday.

    2. Create a chat group (whichever chat app your people use) with everyone who participated

    3. Ask the birthday person to post a daily photo of that days gift in the group and a guess who gave that gift.

    4. Don't reveal anything. The last door with the colored signatures will show if the guesses were correct or not.


  • Small boxes or socks
    As many as you have gifts (+ one more)

  • Glue or sawing kit

  • Colored pens
    One color for each person participating

  • Card
    Any paper or card which can be signed by everyone