New Year's Eve Without Knowing What Time It Is

Small Groups

During New Year's eve (or any other day you feel like doing this) nobody is allowed to carry a watch or a phone. Whenever someone thinks it is midnight now, they loudly count down from 10 and then press a button, which records the time. After everyone guessed, the recorded times are revealed. The person closest to midnight is the winner.

  1. Put away watches/phones
    Ask everyone to leave their watches and phones in a box. (Put phones on silent mode, since people might get calls at midnight)

  2. Prepare a device
    Everyone will have to use the same device to enter their guess.
    Place a phone/laptop somewhere for everyone to use.
    Make sure the screen stays on by disabling the setting which locks the screen or starts the screen saver after some time.
    Stick a piece of paper over the part of the screen which displays the time.

  3. Set up the time guesser
    Enter the date/time and all participants names into the time guesser below.

  4. Count down

    Whenever someone thinks it is midnight right now (or which ever time you selected) they have to start loudly counting down from 10.

    At 0 they have to click on "Guess Now" next to their name inside the time guesser.

  5. Crown a winner
    After everybody has guessed, click the "Reveal Guesses" button. Now all guesses will be shown, sorted from best to worst. You will see the winner on top.

Time Guesser


  • Laptop/Phone
    Used to open the time guesser

  • Sticky Tape
    Used to cover the time on the laptop/phone